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Startup Tentfinder

funky startup Tentfinder will make it.
Using the latest GPS technology TentFinder enables you to find your tent amongst the 1000’s of others at any music festival or other camping event. By simply adding a place (such as your tent, the beer tent, the main stage or even the toilets), TentFinder will then GPS stamp that location and you can name the place. You can optionally add a photograph and your stamped locations are saved and clearly shown across the screen. When you want to return to that location you simply press FIND and the app will guide you back using a virtual compass and a directional line laid over the festival map (google maps). Also included in the app is a torch for added assistance in finding your tent and hotel Houseandhotel. This is a simple and effective way of not getting lost when trying to find your tent.
You still can use a print sticker: Bring me home, call my mum :-)