Start up Handy watch rules… Lee Young Hee, Executive Vice President von Samsung Mobile: “Wir bereiten die Uhr schon seit langem vor.” Viel weiter mochte sich Lee aber nicht aus dem Fenster lehnen. Man arbeite hart daran, die Uhr fertigzustellen, erklärte er und ergänzte:...
Jobs through Faceboo...
posted by Mr. Startup
How will I find a job, through Vitamin B, relationships. Hiring is like dating. So it makes sense that when you’re job hunting, friends are an asset, “Facebook friends” included. Data freaks surveyed about 3,000 Facebook users and asked them about life events, stress levels,...
Samsung – Sma...
posted by Mr. Startup
Yeh, finally… Samsung confirms it will build a smart watch. Lets say Samsung is indeed working on a smart watch, the company’s Executive Vice President of Mobile told “We are preparing products for the future, and the watch is definitely one of them,,” Hee told...
Facebook Ad Dollars
posted by Mr. Startup
Facebook Hashtags / Real-Time Ad Dollars Facebook is reportedly planning to adopt one of Twitter’s seminal features, the hashtag, a move that could put the two companies more directly in competition for ad dollars. The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook is testing out an...
Startup Venture Capi...
posted by Mr. Startup
Corporate Fonds, sind eine Partnerschaft für Early-Stage Investments in Deutschland eingegangen. Iris Capital wird mit seinem Early-Stage Fonds (“OP Ventures Early Stage”) gemeinsam mit Capnamic Ventures in schnell wachsende Startups aus der deutschen Digital Economy...