Amen goes Coffee Queen Feb27


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Amen goes Coffee Queen

4 shots, 4 quick answers:

#1 What inspires you to Amen?
Almost everything in my everyday life inspires me to Amen. Things that happen to me during the day, my friends, other people’s Amens, songs, films, actors etc…

#2 What is the worst way to start off your morning, besides not having coffee?
Once I kicked the wall beside my bed because I was dreaming that someone was attacking me. I woke up with my leg in mid air heading towards the wall. I can tell you that this is not the best way to start your morning.

#3 What makes you say Hell No?
Most fashion these days and some foods, like spinach. Sometimes I am so picky about food that I annoy my friends with it.

#4 What are you most known for?
chocolate and tea, especially iced tea. I love nearly every kind of sweet, no matter what kind.

Hmm, Amens:
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