Facebook try to make money Mar10

Facebook try to make...

Facebook will use its social network to create a payments network. While payments make up 15 percent of its sales, the company’s latest regulatory filing shows just 15 million of its 845 million users have made purchases with its payments system. Put another way, that means 1.8 percent of...

Startup Moshi Monsters Mar06

Startup Moshi Monste...

Moshi Monsters is on a licensing roll these days. There have new toys, comics and now Mind Candy, the company behind it, has signed a deal with Sony Music on a 12-track album dubbed “Music Rox” which will feature songs from popular Moshi characters like Dr Strangeglove, Big Bad Bill and...

Startup “Clipticker” – Videos go viral Mar06

Startup “Clipt...

Sure everyone wanna be a star, keep goin Kevin. Kevin Allocca is YouTube’s trends manager, and he has deep thoughts about silly web video. In this talk from TEDYouth, he shares the 4 reasons a video goes viral....